The stateless filter overrides the standard session management and stores session
data outside of the J2EE server. This allows to set up load-balanced application quickly,
without using session stickyness or cluster configuration.
The filter supports pluggable backends. Current ones are :
- plaincookie : Stores the session in a plain or compressed cookie.
- aescookie : Stores the session in an encrypted and compressed cookie.
- memcache : Stores the session in a memcache server.
Note that the session can be stored partially on each backend. For e-commerce applications,
basket data can be stored in an encryted cookie with unlimited life time, while account
informations are stored in memcache.
How it works

This filter is still in a beta status. Feel free to test it and report success and issues.
- Same configuration on all J2EE servers.
- Can use simple loadbalancers (does not require sticky sessions)
- 1:1 scalability with cookies.
- Reduced memory usage because no session data are stored on the server.
- Developpers can restart server without loosing their session.
- Help to detect clustering issues during developpment.
- Higher CPU usage.
- Not a standard mechanism.
- When data are stored on the client side, there is a security issue. Always use aescookie
for encryption. If your key is compromised, an attacker will be able to inject data and code
within your application.
- Same constraints than clustering : session objects must be Serializable and session#setAttributes()
should be called for efficient change detection.